The Julie Parker Practice Success Podcast

Ep #137: Finding Balance and Overcoming Burnout with Linda Joy Benn

June 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 137
Ep #137: Finding Balance and Overcoming Burnout with Linda Joy Benn
The Julie Parker Practice Success Podcast
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The Julie Parker Practice Success Podcast
Ep #137: Finding Balance and Overcoming Burnout with Linda Joy Benn
Jun 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 137

Is your life out of balance? Are you feeling burnt out, anxious, or mentally, physically, or emotionally exhausted? You're not alone. An alarming 61% of Australian workers reported experiencing burnout, significantly higher than the global average of 48%. Burnout has been on the rise, with a 5% increase from 2021 to 2022, contributing to 40% of employee resignations.

In this episode, I speak with Linda Joy Benn, a renowned holistic health practitioner whose wisdom and teachings provide a strong foundation for healing, intuitive wisdom, self-empowerment, creativity, clarity, and igniting one’s uniqueness, purpose, and unlimited potential.

Linda Joy is known for her enthusiasm and passion for life. She empowers, encourages, and inspires others to become aware of their thoughts and focus on their desired outcomes. By being mindful of their language, they can attract more positive situations, events, and results, leading to a stress-free, joyful life.

Join us as we explore Linda Joy’s methods and insights that can help dental practice teams and practitioners find balance and overcome burnout.

As discussed during the episode, here is the link to Linda's burnout quiz. 

Burnout Quiz

If anyone has any questions or would like to have a 1-1 chat, they can book a time on my calendar

Website: Linda Joy Benn

Social Media:

Interested in taking your personal, team, and dental practice to the next level? Contact Julie today to explore the possibilities for growth and success!

Visit our website, Dental Business Mastery, at, and book a complimentary, obligation-free Discovery Call to discuss your specific needs and goals. Schedule your call here:

Our website is also packed with valuable information, free tools, and resources to support you on your journey. Be sure to check it out!

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us via email at

Show Notes

Is your life out of balance? Are you feeling burnt out, anxious, or mentally, physically, or emotionally exhausted? You're not alone. An alarming 61% of Australian workers reported experiencing burnout, significantly higher than the global average of 48%. Burnout has been on the rise, with a 5% increase from 2021 to 2022, contributing to 40% of employee resignations.

In this episode, I speak with Linda Joy Benn, a renowned holistic health practitioner whose wisdom and teachings provide a strong foundation for healing, intuitive wisdom, self-empowerment, creativity, clarity, and igniting one’s uniqueness, purpose, and unlimited potential.

Linda Joy is known for her enthusiasm and passion for life. She empowers, encourages, and inspires others to become aware of their thoughts and focus on their desired outcomes. By being mindful of their language, they can attract more positive situations, events, and results, leading to a stress-free, joyful life.

Join us as we explore Linda Joy’s methods and insights that can help dental practice teams and practitioners find balance and overcome burnout.

As discussed during the episode, here is the link to Linda's burnout quiz. 

Burnout Quiz

If anyone has any questions or would like to have a 1-1 chat, they can book a time on my calendar

Website: Linda Joy Benn

Social Media:

Interested in taking your personal, team, and dental practice to the next level? Contact Julie today to explore the possibilities for growth and success!

Visit our website, Dental Business Mastery, at, and book a complimentary, obligation-free Discovery Call to discuss your specific needs and goals. Schedule your call here:

Our website is also packed with valuable information, free tools, and resources to support you on your journey. Be sure to check it out!

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us via email at